I made this book for my sis-in-law Ashley for Christmas.
For some reason the moment I drew her name
I knew I wanted to make her something. I literally haven't made a book in over a year and forgot how hard it was.
I made the fabric just like I did my Ugly Sweater party invites.
I love the way the bicycles turned out.
I did a hand stitch on the binding called the coptic stitch.
It's a little tricky at first, but you get the hang of it.
If you want to make a coptic book you can find a video on the stitch on youtube.
I don't know why, but when I gave this little wrapped present to Ashley I was super nervous. I guess after spending so much
time it's more important if they like it.
I threw in some red lipstick just in case.
And yes, one day a tutorial.

Aww, that is the best gift ever! I bet she loved it. BTW, I'm not giving up on nagging you to make me an oil painting to hang in my apartment one day. :)
Love the bikes!
Awesome work Chels. That is the kind of gift someone loves forever.
Wow - that is really cute. Good work. That is quality stuff you could sell.
that is the coolest book i've ever seen! you crafty little thing you!
Just in case I didn't say it before... I LOVE this notebook! Excellent job. It was a perfect gift considering my number one favorite thing is a good notebook. I didn't realize you made the fabric. Super fancy! ALso, lovin the red lipstick. (Ask Alden how many times I asked him if I could buy it... haha) Can't wait to wear it on a night out in San Fran.
So pretty, what a lucky girl!
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