I'm finally back.
In the past 3 weeks I've been home 3 days.
I feel like I have so much to post I have no idea where to even start.
Since we've been gone we've been in....
California: 1 time
Bear Lake: 1 time
Utah: 2 times
Rexburg: 1 time
Driving: millions of times
This photo was shot during an amazing Idaho storm in Bear Lake.
We drove out away from Paris and R took some amazing pictures.
I just watched.
I'm feeling a little bit frazzled,
frazzled like lightning...?
Maybe a bit of a stretch, but you get what I mean.
We have so much to do with moving + school + internships + new scary jobs + saying goodbye.
Instead of doing any of that stuff I think we're going to watch a movie.
Ya.... watch a moving and eat chocolate chips (the only form of chocolate in our house at the moment)
I'm going to cuddle on my man and worry about it all tomorrow.
That's what Mondays are for right.
PS I've missed you all.
I've missed reading about your lives.
I've missed my online friends.
Hope to chat soon!