My husband, Ryley, knows how to make you feel like a million bucks on your birthday. First, I wake up in the morning to R singing me happy birthday while carrying in a gourmet breakfast in bed which included stuffed french toast, bacon, hash-browns, oj, and chocolate milk. Yum.
After school and work R took me to get my favorite food in Rexburg, a Millhallow turkey bacon sandwich. Some of you might think it's weird getting a sandwich for your bday dinner, but that's because you haven't tasted these juicy delicious Millhallow sandwiches.
And last, R blindfolded me and took me into a room full of all my favorite people and threw me a surprise pool party.He made me a beautiful 5 layered cake all by himself. He bought me a beautiful leather jacket that I've been drooling over forever. But mostly he made me feel like the happiest and most loved girl in the world.

So fun! Good job Ryley! Ugh, we wish we could have been with you..just not in Rexburg :) But, I do miss Millhollow!! Xoxo!
I'm glad that you had a great Birthday! Your gifts did look Fabulous.
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