Well it's about time I post about our amazing pumpkin carving party before it's too late. But first I need to have a moment of remembrance for our last years LOVE pumpkin that probably should have won awards for being so amazing. Take a look. Isn't is perfect?

This year we went with a pineapple grenade theme. It looked pretty sweet as well. Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy...

This is how it goes. R guts. I draw and start the carving. R quickly takes over and makes our masterpiece. I cook the seeds.

Our hostess with the mostest Mckenzie and Trent, who are also some of my favorite people around. They carved Darth Vador which looked amazing. (the other side was a mustache, also cool)
Go Zelda! Amy and Daniel always knock us away with their deep knowledge of Zelda.
And last but definitely not least Jules and Seve rocked a classic pumpkin which I sort of messed up a bit.... sorry guys.
I love chilling with all these amazing people. They always make me happy and keep me sane here in Rexburg. We missed Rachael and Dan though. It seems not the same without them.
we miss all you guys, ALOT! seriously.
can i just tell you how stinkin cute you are Ry are! i love you both and your posts! they make my evening every time!
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