I know I've been blogging a million more times than usual lately, but this has been a different week and has given me so much to think about. One of Ryley's family friends passed away in a snowmobiling accident. We were able to drive up to Rexburg and attend the funeral. Now I've never met Scott, the man who died, but I do know a few of his kids. So I've never met this man, but sitting at his funeral I was overwhelmed with love for him and his family. All of Scott's children got up and gave a memory or something they learned about their father. It was so touching. The one thing that every child said, every speaker said, and every person attending the funeral (including Ryley) was how loving he was. How he treated everyone like his best friend. How you could know him for ten minutes and he would already be genuinely interested in your life and how he would make you feel like you were great. This is something I have always envied in others and listening to the speakers I can honestly say that I cried. I cried for his family. I cried because I was so touched from even hearing about the life of such a great man. Maybe I cried a little because I never got the chance to know him.
I know my title said this post was about Ryley, my love. And it is. It is because while I was thinking about how this man must have been so great I realized that my husband sounds just like him. I can truly say that Ryley is the most kind hearted person I have ever met. (or at least top 3) I'm not just saying this because he's my husband. I'm saying it because every single chance Ry has to help someone, to serve someone, to make someone else smile, he does it. He constantly rubs my feet, squeezes my hand, cranks the heat on in the car because I'm freezing even though he's dying of heat. He makes me dinner, he takes me to lunch, hugs me a million times because he knows how much I need it, and he even doesn't hate me when I'm crazy. These are just a few of the things he does for me every day. I hope that I never take him for granted. I hope I learn from his example and open up my heart and give more freely. I love you Ryley. Who knew that life could be so sweet....
I'm so sorry for you guys. Mom told me about it. Why don't we get together soon?
I'm really sorry. I do like the part about Ryley! Very sweet.
I heard about Scott. My dad knew him. :(
This was a sweet post Chels.
ahem to ryley!! chels you found a good one!!! love you both!
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