world travelers
Ryley and I are planning a trip. Somewhere wonderful. Somewhere warm. Somewhere far away. We're definitely thinking out of the country. We will probably be backpacking/camping/sleeping in hostels since we don't have tons of cash flow. Here are my top destinations.
1. New Zealand & Australia
2. Europe [Spain, France, Austria, Holland]
3. Africa
4. Brazil
5. Cruise anywhere tropical
I'm really needing some advice from people who actually travel. I'm not saying I want you to sit down and plan my vacation and will go where you tell me to go, but I want to know where your favorite places are. [that aren't ridiculously expensive and wallet ripping] If there was a certain cafe that you dream about at night or a hike that looked like a magical land please let me know. I want to make this trip perfect. Please don't be shy and comment.
Um, you know your bff here has like three of those covered, right? :) And regarding the cruise, I have lots of opinions bc I swear my friends are always going so I can give you what I've heard.
ReplyDeleteAfrica.....sigh......just another place on the top 5 to travel to list.
Let's chat soon. Anyone who's been anywhere or had someone they know go anywhere completely fancies themselves travel agents. I think I can probably give you a pretty good idea of what you're in for. And I know you really well. AND I've traveled with you. Psh. I'm your girl. :)
Do I sound cocky enough yet? Okay secretly, I'm just so jealous and excited for you so let's just chat!
You should check out travel zoo. Every Wednesday they send out an email with the top 20 deals on the web. There is some awesome stuff on there for really good deals. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou should check out travel zoo. Every Wednesday they send out an email with the top 20 deals on the web. There is some awesome stuff on there for really good deals. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteIf you went to New Zealand you could rent a camper van, you can sleep cook, and travel the country in it! David did it years ago and said it was SOO beautiful and awesom. We are dying to do it someday! do you know Lindsey Alkema? her and her husband are doing that right now and are loving it!
ReplyDeletei will definitely contact you when i need a model!! thanks for being willing to... and my husband and i are hoping to go to spain, the top and africa and hopefully egypt this fall, so if it actually happens i can tell you all about it!
ReplyDeletealso my husband and his entire family are world travelers... like his bro knows 7 languages, and one of their favorite and most cheapest places was thailand! my husband went for 3 months backpacking south east asia practically living off a few bucks a day... if that sounds interesting to you two you can pick his brains!!
oh traveling people can talk your ear off about it, so here I go... all of those sound awesome awesome awesome, 1,3,4 are deff on my list and i have done 2 & 5. The great thing about Europe is you would get to experience 4 different places all in one trip France and Spain love them both but very night and day differences. Spain was my favorite you would LOVE barcelona super artsy! You can find cheap hostels on hostelworld.com. Cruises are nice and very care free because you don't have to worry about getting from place to place you just get to relax! Plus you can find some super cheap ones I just saw an awesome 7 day southern Caribbean cruise out of Puerto Rico for $307 on kayak.com i believe. I am so excited for you any one of the five will be a freaking awesome trip and I super jealous and can't wait to hear all about it!
ReplyDeleteIf you don't mind the insanity that is China it's actually a super cheap place to travel, once you're IN the country, anyway. We were able to score flights from Guangzhou to Beijing for $30 a person when we went to the Great Wall. Hostels and backpacking are very affordable over there; it's a good alternative to backpacking across Europe if the cost seems daunting. And very exotic of course. Lots of tropical places in the south. Taiwan is great too.
ReplyDeletehow about Thailand? My brother says he's never seen places/beaches that are that beautiful and magical before. The flight is expensive, but food and hostels cost like nothing (a fresh juice of the most exotic fruits costs like 20 cents). Are you planning your trip for this summer? I'll be in France and Spain in august and september. Wouldn't a reunion be awesome??? France has really good places to go surfing, so does Thailand.
David and I are planning a trip to New Zealand next year. I'm so exited for the natural finish country.
By the way... A trip to Germany wouldn't be that expansive ;) You could stay at my and my families places. Plus, you could travel to lots of other european countries from here. Plus, I would love to see you again. Plus, I would love to meet your husband. Plus...
so exciting! i love the feeling you get when starting to plan a trip, it's all butterflies and fun times. wishing you many joys throughout this pre-trip time lades.
ReplyDeletemy dream vacay would be to Africa for sure but as far as places i've been and would highly recommend, well that'd be anywhere in Italy. i've been twice and it was all wondrous, all the time! best of lucks and super darling photo of you two. ♥
If you are looking for adventure don't go on a cruise. Yes, they are fun and care free but nothing like backpacking through a country. It's so fun not knowing where you are going, where you are going to stay and what you may find along the way! Europe is amazing and I know you would love it just because of all the beautiful artist things. However, you are a beach girl and I think you should look into Thailand. I only DREAM about going there. Its super cheap once you get buy your plane ticket. Please go to Thailand so I can just stare at all your pretty pictures! I'm excited for you guys!!
ReplyDeletePs if you go to Europe you have to go to Italy! 10 times better than France! It's so PRETTY! Plus the people are way nicer. All my favorite memories are from Italy.