Happy Easter Sunday everyone. Today was such a beautiful day filled with breakfast in bed {thanks to my perfect husband R} finding hidden Easter baskets {which included 2 kites,new razors, yummy gum and my favoritest candies}, a very spiritual church meeting that left me feeling uplifted and happy, a wonderful dinner prepared by an even more wonderful mom-in-law, a bike ride/long board ride, and now a relaxing evening with my man.
On a completely different note, I was sifting through some of our pictures and came across this picture of R and me at our friend, Daniel's, birthday. Wow I can't believe my hair was that short! I'm still trying to grow it out 1.5 years later. Seeing this photo slightly makes me want to cut it again, but then I think of growing it out and think never again. Yea for being able to put my hair in ponytails again.

Your hair looks cute no matter what but I'd definitely say don't cut it. About a year and a half after I cut mine and had been trying to grow it out, I decided to cut it again. I loved it for a bit but now I'm once again trying to grow it out and can't help but think about how it would be long if I hadn't cut it so short. I mean, I don't really regret it but I'm so impatient!!