
etsy shop

I am excited to say that I an FINALLY starting an etsy shop. I haven't quite finished it up but I thought I would give you a sneak peak of what is coming. Please get excited because I am.


  1. Yeahhhhhh!

    When are you gonna make me a painting? I'll pay you for it. :)

  2. yeppie! i am so excited for you!!! etsy is so much fun! can't wait to see yours and all of the beauties that you make!

  3. yay i'm so excited! i absolutely looove the books you have put up there already. i remember looking at the books you'd bring to art ed classes and i just loved them! you have a great talent. i can't wait to see them all!

  4. huge congrats Chelse, that's a BIG deal lades...so happy for you! the books are darling & i LOVE the binding choices.

    after reading about your daily routine in a previous post i almost had palps b/c of all you do and do so well. high fives for keeping it unique and hitting the mark every time. ♥
