
oh what do you do in the winter time

Today was my sweet day off. And you know what I did... lots of happy things. I'll tell you all about it.

I woke up to the sunshine falling on my pillow with no alarm. I rolled over to see the time. 9:30. Right when I decided to get up and going R came home from class and slid back in bed. I couldn't leave then. We lazily laid and slept for another hour. I then tried to get up, but R wouldn't let me. I didn't mind. It felt wonderful to just lay and talk and laugh. We finally got up andR went back to class and I started to paint. I finished my long over due painting that I've been working on. If feels wonderful. It's a little winter wonderland for chilly February. Let me know what you think of it.

As soon as I got done R came home again. Yea. I'm so lucky. I decided to forego my insanity workout and get dressed and go out with my man. Ryley gave me a Holga camera for Love Day and I've been itching to go shoot some film. There's something more exciting about film cameras. I love the wonder and excitement to see what you're pictures will turn out like. We drove around Rexburg. It was sunny which made my heart smile, but because it is Rexburg the wind killed the warmth and made my fingers ache. Thank goodness for car heaters!
for those of you wondering a Holga is a plastic camera that gives off a very different look then regular cameras. Hopefully I'll get some film developed and posted to show examples

I then went to drop off R at school once again, and I headed around Rexburg. I stopped at a little boutique which just moved it. It's actually really cute but way to expensive for me buying trendy clothes, but it was fun to look. Next I went to the Cocca Bean, a wonderful cupcake shop, to buy cupcakes for my dear mother because it is her birthday today. Happy birthday my favorite woman! Lastly I had to stop in at Porter's to check out art supplies. I finally decided to go for it and but this HUGE canvas I've had my eye on for months. It's a 50x50 inch canvas which is so big I couldn't even fit it in my car. We're going to have to get a truck. AHHHHh I'm so excited to see what will end up on it.

And now I'm home. I have about an hour before I pick R up from school. He's coming home early because his little brother, Hayden, is going through the temple for the first time. We are so excited for him! I've been thinking about it all day and remember the day I went through the temple for the first time. I was so nervous but my heart has never been so full. It is going to be such a great experience and I'm so grateful that I am a part of this family and get to be there with him.

All in all a pretty good day. I hope you all had a good one as well.


  1. Um, I LOVE your painting. You need to set up an etsy shop!

  2. I agree with Ashley! My lovely thought is that you are lovely!

  3. I love the painting and can't wait to see what will end up on the big canvas. I also can't wait to see what you will paint for me one day (SOON!) for me to hang in my apartment. :)

  4. so i didn't comment here but should have. you're so talented it's almost offensive - BUT totally not!

    also, best ever morning wake up but not "get up" scene. fun camera gifty too, what a rad guy. i know what you mean about real film, nothing compares to the thrill of seeing the outcome.

    perfect afternoon, complete with cupcakes, your mommas b-day celebrations and Haydens too. splendid post!

    pea ess: i am so very grateful to you for your comment lades, thank you much! xo ♥
