
Goodbye 307 Hello 28

Yes we moved. Almost 3 weeks ago.
But I just got the internet to blog about it.
We didn't move very far. To be precise, about .8 miles away.
Maybe next move will be farther.
(cross your lil fingers for me)

*Things I miss about 307*
Our bright sunny windows that brightened our entire space
A kitchen that gave me a perfect view of R + tv
The amazing friends that lived next door
The church we went to... I really miss that

*What I Love about 28*
R is here with me
We have room for a dining table! (no more coffee table dinners!)
4 beautiful closets
Our bigger bedroom.
Our wonderfully amazingly cheap rent!
Yes I love our 60s kitchen too. Some day some time I'll get this place fixed up and take some glam shots for all to see. But for now I'm off to cuddle and chill with R, my favorite Saturday past time.


  1. do you have burnt orange counter tops??? who's your neighbors?

  2. no we got the brown ones sadly. I was actually anticipating the orange ones. Our neighbors are super nice... I only wish I could remember their names! The guy is in the bishopric. He's asian. They have a little girl. They're really nice. We haven't really met anyone else. The ward seems cool, but honestly the relief society president hasn't even introduced herself. Oh well.

  3. chelse!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your paintings.. can I BUY one from you?? seriously I love them! you do great work! love ya girl!
