
October is Gone

HHalloween was a success this year thanks to great friends, sweet costumes, delicious food, and a murder mystery.

Amy + Daniel
Scott Pilgrim VS the World
I'm in LOVE with Amy's pink hair. She could dye her real hair pink and could pull it off!

Seve + Jules
Wayne's World
Absolutely loved it. Seve had the Garth smile down perfect.

Trent + Mckenzie
Lord of the Rings
Sam + Frodo
They were just adorable gay midgets.

Ryley + Chelse
Modern Warfare II
Yes that is my husband in that crazy gillie suit.


  1. Such a great night. For the record, Seve and I are 'dream sequencing' in that last pic.

  2. oh my heck all you guys are too funny. miss you all! ps i love the pic of you and ryley... work those guns! hahaha
