

I know I don't have all my pictures yet, (our computer is full and I can't even download them all!) but it's killing me not to post some pictures so here goes nothing...

This is Ashley Bowen. Loved her underwater camera

Ryley swimming out of a cool rock. I could never hold my breath that long

I really want one of these cameras. There were some great shots

After snorkeling we ate at Waialua Bakery which has the most amazing COOKIES I've ever tasted. And I'm not exaggerating

Ashley Flake on this amazing point overlooking Wiamea Bay

To be continued...


  1. chels you are soo cute!! ahh hawaii looks amazing beyond words!! i love the pic where you only have ONE snorkeling fin on your foot!! :)

  2. we miss ya already. thanx for the ice cream. yum. come back soon

  3. So very happy. I'm glad you got back to Ideehoh alright. Good luck with the job hunt.
