

Some exciting tid-bits on my life.....

*Today is my last day actually teaching as a student teacher! YEA! I've loved the experience but am ready to move on to the next step which includes having my own classroom and also making some money.
* I went on a field trip with my students yesterday. Ryely came with me thank goodness. All the girls watched us with gittyness falling from their eyes. They guys weren't as happy. Some said they there going to fight Ryley, ya right, and others teased us. We were standing in front of the bus waiting for all the students to get back on on the bus. Some boys in the back started yelling "kiss her!" and stuff like that, and then the bus driver honked at us. Awesome.
* Ryely got to go helicopter flying with our friend Chandler. He said it was amazing. I'm hoping I get to go with him next week!
* Ryley is applying to BYU Hawaii. I really really hope he gets in and then I can live my life dream of teaching art in Hawaii with my love. Nothing sounds better.... well maybe except if I didn't have to work at all....
* I've been reading Rachel's, my facebook fiance, blog and decided I need to write more about me. She inspires me. I love her and hope we never grow apart.
* It's been really fun to live in Utah for a while. I'm not sure I want to stay here, but I'm a little nervous to move back to Rexburg. Ryley is my life so I'll go where he needs to, but sometimes I feel like I've outgrown that town so much. I guess it curses me a little to always be excited for "the next step" in life. I'm sure it'll be good once I get there.
* I miss all my old girl friends so much. They are scattered everywhere except where I am. I miss them. Being married is great, but it'll never fill the spot of girl time. I guess I need to suck it up and make some more friends. I hope I find some in Rexburg. It's just hard because all the students seem like babies and the community feels so old and lots of the young married couples seem odd. I guess I shouldn't say that. It just still seems weird to me that I have to be friends with married couples now. It's good and bad I think. When you have "couple friends" you only do things in dates and groups but never really make great girlfriends. Well that's what it feels like so far.
* Ryley and I are going to the Parade of Colors this weekend. No it's not a gay parade. I'm not exactly sure what it is but it's at the Budist temple and at the end everyone has a huge paint fight. It sounds wonderful.
* I hope everyone who reads this has a great day! I miss you all.


  1. Hurray! So happy I got a shout out! :) A few comments:
    -I loved the story about your students' reactions to Ryely showing up. So cute!
    -I will keep my fingers crossed that you guys get to go to Hawaii. I know that would make you so happy!
    -So glad you referred to me as your facebook fiance. It's been so long. :) And I can't imagine ever inspiring you, it's totally the other way around, but regardless, I'm glad me talking about myself so much on my blog is making you talk more about yourself! (Hey, I can't help it! I've got no hubby, kids, or pets.) :) And we will NEVER grow apart!
    -I'm sorry you miss your girlfriends. :( I know that feeling. I've always been a girl's girl, and when I moved to New York it took me two years before I felt like I had real girlfriends. Actually it didn't happen until after I started praying for it, seriously. So maybe try that.
    -Parade of Colors is soooooo cool! I've never done it but I've seen it on tv in India and heard a lot about it. You guys will love it!
    -Lastly, I love you!

  2. Chelse you are so funny. Have a great time with the llamas and paint. I hear it is great fun.

    And congratulations on finishing student teaching! What a relief, I'm sure. Are you still coming on Sunday? Hope to see you there. We'll probably need to have a little dessert party at my house afterwards.
