It's true. I'm finally doing my student teaching. It' feels like I've had a huge break with school putting off my last bit, and I'm finally getting it done. Ry and I moved to Midvale, Utah. (right next to Sandy) One week down so far so good. I love my cooperating teachers. One's older and your typical crazy/fun teacher and the other teacher is younger and more chill and "hippie gone conservative" style. Both great. I'll probably be somewhere in-between them both.
Ryley and I are really liking Utah. It's nice to have a little break from our regular life in Rexburg. We have a lot of family and friends here too so hopefully we'll get to party with them a lot. I will say since I get up at 6 AM I feel like an old lady at night. When I get home Ry is ready to play and I want a nap! Hopefully I'll get more in the grove the next few weeks.
This is the picture I tied to take of myself to document my first day because Ryley was still in bed. I don't blame him since I have to leave at 6:45 AM! It's seriously killing me!

Ryley got up before I had to leave and took a picture of me with the amazing flowers he gave me as good luck. He's my good luck!

Close up on the beautiful flowers Ry gave me